Date: Friday, 2
nd December
Venue: Geoffrey's Pub, Royal Orchid, Bangalore
Time: 9 PM till sometime after midnight
Occassion: Birthday Party of our VP
The much beloved VP of our company (not mentioning the names here) was in town and to celebrate his birthday (that falls on 3
rd) we headed to Geoffrey's Pub. There was a mammoth bottle of
Belvedere Vodka to welcome us at the center of the bar

Not getting a seat immediately, we started with the drinks while still waiting and after some time settled in one corner.
Theme of the evening was "Punjabi" and all the gifts were according to that. Even the non-punjabi folks picked a punjabi surname to sign the card ;-)
The evening progressed with innumerable rounds of tequila shots, rum & coke, john daniels (yes, it is jack, but how does it matter when you have known him as long as I have) and what not ...
Towards the end, we were all in a very inebriated state. Here is what it was like

And these glasses tell the story very well

As the clock struck midnight, the birthday bumps followed along with heart felt birthday wishes. I have to censor out the exact wishes ;-)
The real shocker was the bill (or cheque, as some call it) ... We were all floored to see that we had devoured 58 tequila shots, among many many other drinks and ran up a tab of over Rs 37,000 ... Phew! For the host, that translated to just about $ 800, but it still was a lot.
Nevertheless, it was a nigt to remember
Labels: Happenings...Ramblings